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Introduction to Inuit orality
Proceedings, summaries
Conference documents
The Conference and Proceedings: behind the scenes
L'art comme lieu de parole: Intervention d'art-thérapie auprès d'un adulte Inuk à Montréal SOKOLOFF Mélissa
Atanarjuat (2001) and Eskimo (1933), Cinematic representations of Inuit culture and orality JEANROY Delphine
Children and orality - self reported body & emotional experiences with horror stories KLEIST PEDERSEN Birgit
Cinq ans d'acquisitions de sculptures contemporaines: bilan et questionnements TRANNOY Marion
Collaborative Place Name Research in the Community of Kinngait, Nunavut HENSHAW Anne & ASHOONA Aksatungua
Communicating through play, Interacting through games PETIT Céline, SALABELLE Marie-Amélie, VATÉ Virginie
Le conditionnement des ivoires anciens, une autre façon d'appréhender la fouille des sites archéologiques sur l'île Saint-Laurent, Alaska MEUNIER Yannick
Discourse Practices and the Inuit Contemporary Political Scene: the Individual and the Collective. A Focus on Terminology Development CANCEL Carole
Dream narration among Eastern Arctic Canadian Inuit BORDIN Guy
Easter 1959: Oral and Written Memories of a Contested Event EVANS Peter
Echoing inuit voices. The Indigenization in Canadian Postmodern Arctic Literature COLLIN Chloé
Note on Education System and Erosion of Orality: an Eastern Arctic Example DOUGLAS Anne S.
Eleven Years of Implementing Traditional Yup'ik Oral Stories in the Elementary Classroom ILUTSIK Esther
L'expression artistique au Nunavut : art graphique et changements iconographiques MAIRE Aurélie
Food Sharing Networks and Subsistence in Uklukhaktok, NT, Canada COLLINGS Peter
Hunting caribou, managing caribou (Yukon/Alaska) NEUFELD David
Identity and Needs in the Modern World: Roles of Orality and Literacy KORHONEN Marja
From Identity to Language: Interrupted change and remaining uses MORGOUNOVA Daria
Eskimo-Aleut Linguistics in the 21st century KAPLAN Larry
Views on Inuit culture and language. Agenda for the future. IRNIQ Peter
Inuit personal names. A unique system? MACDONALD Charles
Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit of the Narwhal; Traditional Knowledge Integrated with Tusk Scientific Research NWEEIA Martin, ANGNATSIAK David, Thomas, SANGUYA Paniloo
Inuit voices in the making of Nunavut RODON Thierry & Mc COMBER Louis
Leaving our stories everywhere: Tales of tuberculosis and colonization MØLLER Helle
Makiliqta, Making Inuktitut a Reality in Nunavut WILLIAMSON Laakkuluk
About Masks: Conversations from Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska BLACKMAN Margaret B.
Minding Our Words: Instrumental reason, communicative action and Inuit voice in a Northern Forum dealing with climate change and healthy communities TESTER Frank James
Multiple Ways of Knowing: Life stories, Oral history and Education JOHN Theresa & KNECHT Richard
Naming, being named, and experiencing atiq on Qikirtait (Belcher Islands): An introduction to the meaning of contemporary Inuit naming practices DUPRÉ Florence
A narrative on narratives in contemporary Greenland KLEIST PEDERSEN Birgit
Polar bears can hear: the consequences of words and actions in the Central Arctic KEITH Darren & ARQVIQ Jerry
The impact of Canadian Residential Schools on the Inuit who attended them ANAWAK Jack
Signs of Urbanity: Visualing Orality and Directionality DAVELUY Michelle & FERGUSON Jenanne
Speaking of Place: Contemporary Iñupiat Storytelling and Place-Making in the Time of Climate Change SAKAKIBARA "Siqiniq" Chie
"This is the way we were told . . .": Multiple Literacies in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories BALANOFF Helen, Chambers Cynthia, Kaodloak Alice, Kudlak Emily
"Today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow": Reflections on Inuit Understanding of Time and Place GOMBAY Nicole
The Urgent Need for More Inuktitut Instruction in Nunavut Schools BERGER Paul
Throat Singing from Igloolik: Piqqusiraarniq and Katajjait TULUGARJUK Lucy,
Use of Traditional Inuit Culture in the Policies and Organization of the Government of Nunavut BONESTEEL Sarah
Uumajunik uqaruluujaqtuq, “speaking badly to/about the animals” or how human speech affects them RANDA Vladimir
Of what a house can do STUCKENBERGER Anja Nicole